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World Wide Web

Things That Go Bump Around The Web,  And Some That Made Us Smile.

Sure, Northern Ontario has a long history of unexplained and scary events, but there's a big world out there, and a lot going on in other parts of the globe.

One thing the ParaNorthern team has found as we've scoured the web looking for stories, is that there are a lot of interesting and sometimes very funny stories out there.funny pictures, humorous pics, funny paranormal videos, prank scary videos, funny paranormal stories

So we thought we'd dedicate a section of the site and share them with you.

If you find a frightfully interesting or funny story online that you would like us to look share, send an email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll even post your name and thank you for it if you'd like.

Have a website or story you think we might be interested in? Send an email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or follow the link to Tell Us Your Story.


From ParaBreakdown: Western Pennsylvania Forest Creature

ParaBreakdown on YouTube is one of our favourite sources for explanations of paranormal events, sightings and other activities.

In this video we are shown how and why a  purported "unexplained creature in the woods" or bigfoot, is simply not what it claims to be. This is either the worst case of mistaken identity out there, or an attempt at a hoax.

Investigation: Unrested Spirits of the Red Mill

Recently, we've begun making contact with other ParaNormal website owners and Facebook administrators. It's our goal to share information on what other teams are doing, from around the world, with the fair and balanced view our followers have become accustomed to.

One of our new contacts is Steve Galante of Visual Paranormal Investigations. He has given ParaNorthern permission to share and write a review of some of the their videos. You can follow them on Facebook by clicking here.